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Conservatory Level Flutes

Our Conservatory Level Flutes offer an excellent value for the advanced Flutist. At $159 per month, they offer some advanced features to help achieve the sound and playability needed for advance repertoire. Models available at the Conservatory Level Include:

- Cannonball Mio M7E
- Northbridge NB7BOF
- Yamaha 472 Allegro
- Trevor James Virtuoso
- Azumi AZ3RB - offset G & split E
- Powell Sonare PS55BO407 13-2-0
- Haynes Amadeus AF780-BO
- Haynes Bravo 2 Sterling Silver
- Haynes Bravo - Solid Silver w/Gold Lip Plate
- Powell Sonare 61BOF-40613-2-0 w/ Auramite 9K Lip Plate

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